Friday, 19 December 2014

Root Canal Treatment 101: Everything Explained

One of the most common dental procedures is a root canal treatment. However, in several cases, dentists fail to explain what actually goes on in a root canal, why is it required and stuff like that. Here, in this article, all popular myths will be broken and the meaning and requirement of a root canal is explained. 

What is Root Canal? 

A root canal is a funnel-shaped channel full of soft tissue that runs from the surface of a tooth down through the tooth itself, right down into the root. Both root stems of the tooth have a root canal, which is where the main nerve tissue of the tooth is found.

When does one require a root canal treatment? 

A root canal treatment is normally carried out because the soft tissue in the canal that contains the main nerve tissue shows a certain level of decay or infection. The procedure is designed in a way to prevent any further decay or spread of infection that may lead to complete loss of the tooth. This soft tissue is completely removed from the canal and replaced with artificial cement. 

A root canal treatment 

As the soft tissue in the root canal contains sensitive nerve tissue, the procedure requires the administration of a local anesthetic. This is administered to numb the tooth and surrounding areas. Once the anaesthesia starts to take hold of the tooth, the dentist will carefully drill down the infected tooth to reach the root canal. Once the drill reaches the canal that narrows in the actual root stem, at this point the dentist will use a manual device to extract all soft tissue or nerve from the root canal. The space that is left is filled with rubbery cement. 

The dentist has to make sure that the hollow in the root canal is completely filled and there are no air pockets left. Consider the top dentist in Noida for a root canal treatment. 

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Search a Good Dental Doctor in Noida

A dental clinic is a place you typically visit when you have some problem or concern with your teeth. In Noida and other parts of Delhi –NCR, you will find many dental clinics. From a plethora of dental hospitals in Noida, ensure that the best dental practitioners are chosen to make your smile look better. An experienced dental practitioner should be skilled in handling various types of dental cases. 

When in search for the best oral health specialists, take note of some important considerations to keep in mind. The foremost thing to keep in mind is the facilities dental clinics in Noida have to offer. Dental clinics with excellent facilities are plenty in number and may confuse you as to which dentists to choose. When riddled with countless options, here are some essential qualities of a dentist that will help you shortlist. 
1.     Check for their accreditation- you must ensure whether the dental clinic is Noida is sticking to the rules and regulations pertaining to standard and ethical dentist code.  

2.     Choose a clinic where a wide range of dental packages is offered. Dental services must include teeth whitening, teeth implants, oral reconstruction, root canal treatment, teeth removal and more.

3.     A well run clinic will have no objection to your visiting them, as they may have nothing to hide.   

4.     dental clinics that do dental implants will give you a guarantee on their work for a certain number of years.  
You teeth are perhaps the most essential, yet overlooked aspect of the body. So, make a regular appointment to the dentist of your choice, Make sure that your teeth remain healthy and strong for years.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Dental Clinic In Noida: A Complete Solution to Every Oral Care Concern

A dentist’s clinic is a place where you can find specialist solutions to all dental care problems. Terms like dental care, orthodontics, cavities, oral fillings etc identifies with dental diagnostics and treatment of patients with dental concerns. Thus, in cases where the best possible preventive or curative dental care is required, one often consults a doctor of dental surgery at the best Dental hospital in Noida.
Dr. Gambhir

Nowadays, dental problems have become more prominent than ever before. The person with an oral care problem could be a child, an adult or a senior person. The most prominent concern among people is that of dental cavities or technically called as caries. Tooth decay is somewhat of a natural process. However, this process speeds up because of poor maintenance and upkeep. 

People troubled with dental problems such as tooth decay over time may need to undergo a root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is required when the tooth goes completely bad. To understand why you need a dental root canal, you must understand the anatomy of your tooth. Inside the tooth, under the white enamel and a hard layer called the dentin, there is a soft tissue which is also called the pulp. The pulp helps to grow the root of your tooth during development. 

The pulp even contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. In a completely developed environment, the tooth doesn’t need the pulp as the tooth can be nourished by the tissues surrounding it. However, when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected Endodontic treatment becomes necessary. This is another name for a root canal treatment. 

When you check in at the best dental clinic in Noida, make sure you are entrusting the care of your teeth in the best hands. 

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Thursday, 16 October 2014

Dental Filling Treatment at the Best Dentist in Noida

Teeth are our most important assets, which make or break the physical appearance of our face. For that perfect smile, you need to undertake measures accordingly. Innovative tools in dentistry that were introduced in recent years have made dental treatment lesser feared among children as well as youth today. More than our appearance, health teeth are a determining factor for healthy self confidence. Oral care is a must be an essential not just for your self-confidence but for maintaining healthy teeth for the longest time.

Best Dentist in Noida offer relief from raging concerns or pain. Let’s start with premium dental filling treatment. The most common form of oral care restoration treatment, dental filling are required to restore function, integrity and morphology of missing teeth. Deterioration or loss of teeth which requires restorative treatment is commonly owing to caries or better known as cavities. 

The major cause of cavity is vested in eating habits of children and youth. Exposure to junk food, sweets, confectionery items, chocolates, toffees, hard candies and more is perhaps the root cause for dental cavities widely common particularly in the young generation. For this purpose, dental filling treatments are offered by trained dentists who help control the growth and spread of cavities. Children today have widely exposed to unhealthy foods which can deteriorate the quality of one’s teeth, therefore a dental visit is essential to everyone.

Best dental clinic in Noida will have four main types of dental fillings namely Gold fillings, Silver fillings, Plastic or Composite resin and Porcelain Fillings. It depends from person to person, which dental fillings are best suited them.